Thread: Roll Call 119
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Default Apr 07, 2018 at 06:17 PM
PC won't let me quote these on the new Roll Call for some weird reason, so I've had to reply here.

Originally Posted by Desoxyn View Post
I liked your pic, but I made a new version so it fitted my life better:

Originally Posted by Day Tripper View Post
On another note, regarding bipolar, i don't understand why my doctor thinks i have hypo/mania. I am the calmest person, i never get too excited, I never get angry, I haven't been hyper sexual in years, My affect is pretty damn flat, no depression or pleasure. :/ And yet she was stern that it is hypomania keeping me up. I have no racing thoughts. I'm in a zen-like state, clear minded, when I'm in bed. It's just that I can't feel sleepy ever. I get physically exhausted, but never the sleep hormone--which that stopped as soon as I started all this ssri nonsense that made me have a bipolar episode.

It's really frustrating that I'm not able to sleep well.
It's not necessarily hypomania. People with sz can just have real problems sleeping. Sleep reversal isn't that uncommon. My pdoc says that my sleep issue, which sounds very similar to yours, is down to sz. Granted, he does say that everything is because of sz... But I have read about sleep problems with sz elsewhere. I just don't understand why you would get sleep reversal...?? I guess that means that they don't have a hypothesis for it yet

Originally Posted by justmeandmyhead View Post
I feel calmer today. And I remember now that I always feel calmer the day after I start taking it again. It’s like an inner peace where there was anxiety and restlessness before.
Originally Posted by justmeandmyhead View Post
Guys I have amazing news.
The guy pleaded guilty so I don’t have to go to court!!
I’ve never been so relieved in my life. So many horrible thoughts around it and it’s gone!
I feel brighter and like there’s a weight off me.
I can just focus on me now. Have got a sick note so have another 2 weeks off work. Focus on feeling good.
I'm glad that you're feeling calmer, and even more pleased that the stress of court is now gone. Hopefully that will help you just as much. Stress can really do a number on people, even with meds.

Originally Posted by Atypical_Disaster View Post
i’m in a weird mood because my psychiatrist is reading my thoughts. kind of irritated i hate it when she does that.
I wear sunglasses so mine can't do it. I've also told him that I don't like it when he does that so to stop doing it.

But we've been so disconnected the past couple of appts that I'm wondering if he might understand what I'm saying better if I just let him read my thoughts... Because he's not getting it AT ALL at the moment, and it's both upsetting me and P'ing me off! ...But then maybe it's better that he doesn't understand so he won't decide to section me or some other BS...idk? *sigh*

Anyway, I'm sorry that this is happening to you

Originally Posted by Sometimes psychotic View Post
24 degrees here, I’m still in my pjs doing laundry, had a nice bagel and some mango for breakfast. I posted a new topic about resilience and fighting the good fight, if you guys have advice or what you do I’d really like to hear it. Just the longer I have even a tiny amount of illness I feel like I have to constantly fight just to be “normal” you know, have a job, friends and a bf....sometimes it all just seems like work. Anyway thought it might be a good topic.....
It IS a good topic. I'll try to post over there when I can come up with something. Normally, I would have lots of suggestions. But 'normal service' will be resumed soon, I'm sure.

Originally Posted by greentires4me View Post
today I am 1000 days sober from alcohol...its a big achievement for me...never been this long without a drink.

Now only can I get a good nights sleep, its really hard for me, i take sleeping pills and everything but I decided last week to stop my clopixol depot, because it was giving me too many migraines like 6 migraines last month and 8 the month before, and I am prone to migraines already. It also made me really suicidal and I couldn't cope with that.
Congratulations on your sobriety!

If you find that you can't do without the depot, there are migraine preventer meds out there, like pizotifen, and many others that you take every day to minimise the frequency.

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Thanks for this!
Atypical_Disaster, Sometimes psychotic