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Default Apr 19, 2018 at 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by TrailRunner14 View Post
Well. Today is the day.

I've been talking about it for a long time, and today I am going to go and check out the ALANON group that I found.

I'm really nervous because I don't know what to expect or who is going to be there. What's going to happen?

I'm nervous because I am wondering if they are going to want me to talk and say why I am there. That, by itself, always brings out the babbler and things come pouring out. I get pushed into the passenger seat, unable to stop the babbler from telling everything.

I'm embarrassed and it's triggering just thinking about it.

I think I'll be ok if I don't have to say anything.

I'm really nervous.
Been to years of AA, Alanon,’s boring as hell...but they say 90 meetings in 90 days want to or not....and then you are part of. You ain’t goeptta say nothing. Just listen. Look for similarities.

I’d spend the first few introducing then saying nothing. Get a feel for it. Get a sponsor, do the steps....yeah...Alanoners have their own addiction as Enablers....

We ourselves tend to spend the whole hour switching crazy because a) we hate groups, b) there’s real people there, c) everyone’s listening, d) we lost train of thought because we dissociate, e) everyone in us wants to say something, f) people are like “huh”?, ) f) we have anxiety and panic attacks, g) we sweat, h) the room spins, I) their are a lot of eyeballs looking at you, j) th3 body feels weird, k) dp and dr magnifies, we say Hi...were blah blah, thanks I pass. Relief.

Good luck.
Thanks for this!