Hi all I had the face2face medical assessment yesterday,I was made to explain humiliating details about my life and how my ilness affects me,I felt like I was rubbish and didn't matter and like I had done something wrong and had to prove my innocence,it was a horrendous experience and the woman who did the assessment was vile,absolutely vile.I am just recovering it made me ill,my mental health went into decline and I felt so really depressed and down suicidal,I had no energy after.To add to that I think she was trying to find reasons to lose me points so that I get less or no money.I have to wait six weeks now to find out what she said and to get a decision.I feel sick.Nasty pernicious system,fascists,we shouldn't have to go through this when we have a history of years of illness,I find it humiliating they made me feel like a pathetic creature and they were devoid of any human empathy.I shouldn't have had to go through such a degrading experience!