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Default Apr 21, 2018 at 02:00 AM
Well my daughter had her first court appearance yesterday. I was so nervous about the whole thing that I didn't get any sleep then it was a long day and a lot of walking and I just had my crutch I didn't take my powerchair.

I wish I didn't have to go out today but it's my brother in law's birthday and he's real sick. I believe I told you guys he was dx with a rare form of cancer last January he finished his treatment over the summer but since then he's just gotten worse. He is cancer free but I think he has radiation poisoning. He had surgery to open his throat more he couldn't even get water down. It should have been an out patient thing but he was in the hospital for a week. They sent him home with a feeding tub in his nose and down his throat. Since then he has lost an additional 100 lbs. he was over weight when he started his treatment but since he stopped he's just gotten worse. He can barely talk because of the tube. They are supposed to take it out and put one through his belly button but haven't done it yet. He has not eaten or drank anything in 5-6 weeks and he loves food.

His daughter finely drove down today with her kids to see him. It's been years since we have seen her and he hasn't seen them either. She was supposed to be here for a few days then she wasn't coming then last minute she said she will come for 1 day. She got a hotel room then went to my husband's sister and said that they charged her card twice for the room and now she doesn't have money to drive home. I call bull s**t on that. She knew his work had started a gofundme account for her dad. She ended up getting $400 to help cover her expenses then she cried to my sister in law again that she really didn't have food for her kids while here. She's 30 years old hello. So my sister in law who has Parkinson's went home and packed up a bunch of food for her and her kids and drove it to her hotel. She also had the nerve to ask her sick dad if he would sell his motorcycle and buy her a car since her boyfriend is using hers. I swear I wanted to smack her.

Ok I am down ranting I just don't like people using other people or taking advantage of them it's sad.

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lizardlady, Wild Coyote
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Gus1234U, lizardlady, Wild Coyote