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Default Apr 24, 2018 at 07:54 AM
I am so frustrated. This isn't 100% about work. I volunteer on a condo board. I did so to stop one of the trustees who is an idiot. But it isn't going so well.

This trustee is driving me insane. He lies like a nut and changes his mind at the drop of a hat. He is effectively stopping us from moving forward.

A few weeks ago we decided to walk the property and see if there were violations of the rules. There were a lot. We put together a large list and sent it to the property manager. Three of the four trustees wanted warnings (not fines) warnings to go out. But we sent it out in case the fourth member wanted to weigh in. After 48 hours nothing was heard from him so I told the property manager to go forward. It didn't matter anyway, three of four said to do it..

A day later this guy pipes up.

1. First, he wants the letters to wait until he tells his neighbors in person. Err what for? So I wrote back that that ok sure but letters need to out period.. I get a nasty response that he never said letters wouldn't go out.. err than what are you saying?

I know what he is doing. He wants to go tell his neighbors in private conversations that we aren't privy to - that we are idiots and he is fighting for them.

I wasn't thrilled about that either as it is clearly special treatment for certain residents.

2. He says that -- some of the violations are the elderly and thus we should allow a contractor working on the property to do the labor for them if they pay for it. I responded that if we do that it has to be open for everyone and not just the elderly. He nasty responses that he didn't say it was just going to be for the elderly. Errr than why bring that up at all. And good we area all in agreement but I think that was what he was saying...

But I am furious that the warnings were voted on by three of the four trustees and now ONE is holding them up with stupidity.

I am sooo aggravated. We all agreed to move the annual meeting to April and we put that in the news letter... One day in late march he just announces he doesn't want to that because he isn't ready. I was caught off guard and i agreed but now I regret it. We all agreed at a prior meeting that it was going to be in April and he went back on it...

He does that constantly. He says he won't be at the may meeting and then he is... he says he wants to not have meetings and we cancel one.. and he pipes up 4 days after upset that we did so.

We had a meeting where I said that if I don't hear from you I am going to assume your answer is yes. It doesn't take a lot to monitor your e-mail and if you see something you want to weigh in on... you just send an e-mail saying... Hey I want to weigh in on this when I have a chance. But he doesn't.

I am about to blow my stack.

The other two trustees just don't get involved.. one doesn't participate but for meetings and the other is on vacation and won't be able to respond.. she did tell me that.

I am seriously about to sell my home... seriously --I am sick of it.
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hvert, orangyred