Thread: Drinking
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Member Since Apr 2018
Location: New york
Posts: 56
Default May 02, 2018 at 02:20 PM
Do you work? I found one of the biggest factors in me slowing down my alcoholism was getting to a point where I was about to get fired because I was CONSTANTLY making mistakes at work. Another thing was weight gain. Yes, I felt much better when chugging down drinks everyday...but my waist line did not. Even if I tried to limit my food intake to account for alcohol, I would get so intoxicated to a point where I would wake up surrounded by empty food containers I had taken out of the fridge while drunk and eaten.

It started off slow for me too. It was only once and a while and then the more I did it the easier it became to just do it constantly and the more and more I had to drink to feel drunk. I soon went from the person who was tipsy after two glasses of wine to the person who needed at least 4 drinks to even feel buzzed. There were some nights that I actually consumed (even on a work night!) probably close to twenty drinks hoping around from different bars. I always got up for work, but my entire day was spent in misery until I could go home and drink again to ease the feelings of being hung over. I was tired, sick, not on point. I just basically sucked.

Another big fear I had was becoming physically dependent on alcohol. The thought of needed to go into an in treatment program terrified me. Not wanting to become a big beer bellied statistic in an inpatient alcohol program scared me straight lol. Not going to sucked. I craved that warm feeling going down your throat, than sense of calming as the alcohol went through you. It was SOOOO hard to stop the feeling.

Last edited by Confusedxx; May 02, 2018 at 02:42 PM..
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bizi, Wild Coyote