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Default May 23, 2018 at 10:42 AM
I am extremely distressed about my daughter.

She is 31 and lives across the country. I can't physically be there for her. The problem is she is incredibly lonely. So much so that it seems she has convinced herself she will be so for the rest of her life (I dare not tell her that her standards are far too high - that is a different thread entirely). This is all coming to head right now as her dog is reaching the age and poor health that it is time to consider humanely saying good bye. facing her dog's mortality is worsening her incredible sense of loneliness.

I have tried to comfort her but I feel helpless to do so not being there. Short of "I understand" and "I love you" I am at a loss for words. I honestly feel such a failure for being unable to comfort her. I cried myself to sleep last night feeling there was nothing I could do.

Does anyone have any ideas?
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