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Default May 24, 2018 at 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by ArchieAus View Post
Her mood is understandable . A dogs ill health , when it is in the stage of end of life can be very frustrating and depressing as there is no answer , you cant "fix" it , you just have to do the best you can and follow the path . Quite often a worse period than actually losing the animal . If her dog is part of her family , then she"ll feel it very acutely.
This dog IS her family so I can understand the gut wrenching grief. I can also understand the doom and gloom prospect of finding one's self alone. She is not living the life she had wanted. She assumed that at 31 she would have a family, home, and picket fence sort of thing. So losing her companion is of awful consequence to her.

It was mentioned that I visit. She is a day's drive away so this is not something I can do often or without extensive planning. She laid to rest her other dog several months ago (which compounds her sense of loss) and I was able to make it out then. I have just this morning made the offer of gas money so as she could visit her 'home' community where most of her other close family and long term friends reside.

I am careful not to make this about me but I would be lying if I did not admit my own anguish over the matter.
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