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Default May 29, 2018 at 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by *Laurie* View Post
key tones, you are correct...we must be exactly the same age. I turned 55 in December. Technically, according to Douglas Coupland (author of "Generation X") everyone born after 1961 is Generation X. My older sisters were definitely baby boomers...I always felt myself to be not really their generation. A leap away from Baby Boomer and a step into Gen X.

I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when the news of Elvis' death came across the radio. I was in the back seat of a car with a group of slightly older friends with whom I had just worked for the summer in summer camp, as camp counselors. We'd taken one of our group to the airport and were driving on the freeway when we heard the news. Such a steaming-hot August day. The sad news was such a shock.

JFK...they tell me I was standing in my play pen when the terrible news came on TV.

Mt. St. Helens - people were selling ash in little vials here, too. But - so weird! - there were bits of grey ash falling here. 650 miles away! I guess the wind was blowing south from Washington.
We are close in age (I’m staying quiet in case I get kicked out for being slightly underage. In case you missed it in social chat, Bjornen established that no one else can read what we put in parentheses, LOL).

I read a long time ago that the cut off was 1965 for a boomer. I guess it depends on who is talking/writing.

I was on my grandma’s bed watching a little black and white TV when I heard Elvis died. I was really shocked.

I was in high school music class when I heard Reagan was shot. My classmate was running from one area to another in a panic telling everyone because we were spread out practicing in small groups all over the school (it was a class like Fame with singers, dancers, musicians of all sorts putting acts together, so we could never be in the same room except for roll call). Of course, we didn’t know what that was supposed to mean—was the country in danger? What happened?!?!

Volcanic ash—yeah, I’ve since heard it went everywhere and even acted as fertilizer somehow. There are huge mounds of it from where they bulldozed it off the roads that I’ve seen. My late husband was camping in Washington state when it blew. The sound scared him and his friends. They had hiked a long way and didn’t have a radio, so they didn’t know what it was. I wish I remembered where exactly he was.

Remember what a sensation Roots was? And all the fear around nuclear bombs destroying the world? What was that movie, the Day After (or something like that?).

Who shot JR? Was that around that time too?

And the Royal wedding (Lady Dianna’s).
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Thanks for this!
Gus1234U, Travelinglady