Thread: Car accident
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Default Jun 24, 2018 at 12:44 PM
Sorry to hear about the accident. I think anybody would feel traumatized too, and it's especially worse when you have BP since it's very triggering. Both of those things combined must feel awful, and I'm sorry you have to experience that. BP really sucks.

As for being able to relate: I've gotten baby hits on my car and I've bawled my eyes out in front of the cops, so I think it's natural to do that. For example, I once stopped at a yellow light (that was about to turn red) and some lady behind me wanted me to go through the dangerous intersection, so she slammed the horn, went around me on the other side of the road, and cut me off, almost hitting my front left tire. And the front quarter left panel of my car was partially torn... but I was sitting still at the light and it was more like a side swipe, so it wasn't an awful hit. Then she drove away, so I had to call the cops on her. Turned out she lived down the road from me.

I think the cop didn't really care even though at the time I thought he did. I think his reaction was more like, "*sigh* Some people are apparently desperate enough to save 30 seconds... Another one of those idiots..." It's possible he thought I was being weird, but at the end of the day, he and his buddies helped me and I never saw them again. They probably forget me by now too. So if they wanted to judge me, then fine. As long as I got what I needed, then they've done their job and I've done mine. So as long as you're getting the help you need, try not to focus on the (possible) judgment. Obviously they shouldn't judge, but hey, some people do and it sucks. Try to focus on getting better!
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Hugs from:
Gabyunbound, Wild Coyote
Thanks for this!