Thread: "Ghosting"
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Default Jun 24, 2018 at 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by Esmme View Post
If he had told me the truth and said that he admitted to the abuse and that he was sorry, I wouldn't even dream of "ghosting" him...

But now that he lied to me, I question every little thing he's ever told me.
I don't want to "ghost" him... is there any other way I can cut contact without hurting his feelings?
What concerns me about your response to him is saying to yourself that if he admitted to you the abuse, you wouldn't dream of ghosting him. You are a victim of abuse yourself, and have been conditioned to accept it, I am assuming? Do you think that just because he says he is sorry that he will never physically abuse again?

This a huge red flag, for you and for him. He lied to you, & covered up the truth. You are quick to brush it under the rug, and want to accept it and excuse it if he says he is sorry. That is very concerning.

This man has a record. I see nothing wrong with ghosting him. Why worry about his feelings when he is a liar and has a record? Love? Use your head, not your heart.
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Thanks for this!