Okay. Keep writing. I'm reading.
I was in the hospital three times in 2017. Finally, I asked my pdoc if he perhaps was under the mistaken impression that I was fabulously wealthy. I suggested that maybe we could consider a less drastic means of dealing with "episodes." He said he would respond reasonably when I started making sense. Fair enough. I have one outstanding bill for ~$2,000. It's been eight months, and I guess the hospital let it fall through the cracks? IDK. I consider myself an ethical person, but I don't believe I'll call the hospital to beg them for the bill. They're not stupid; they'll figure it out eventually. There's no statute of limitations on hospital bills (I Googled it). Okay, enough about that.
Yeah, levels of care rather than extremes. I've thought of this, too. I wonder why nobody has pursued this? Oh...there is IOP, but I'm too far away from the facility for this to be realistic. Also, well, I need to work.
I was never made fun of when I was growing up. Sorry you experienced that.
Did you try the cranial massage?
If you could plan a vacation, where would you go?