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Default Jul 16, 2018 at 02:32 PM
Until this place. You still can they said. It's just period pains. Don't sweat it, with the people you saw day in day out I fully understand that you thought I was catastrophising. But you did phone the doctor and said a depository was permitted. Thankfully that did the trick. An embarrassing toilet issue was not a huge price to pay. I wasn't that unwell that I would let my bowels burst to prove a point. I would never have dreamed of that.
You did phone a doctor. I forgot the finer details. I was just humiliated that the janitor/porter/cleaner who had to unblock the toilet made a spectacle out of it and took every cleaner available to view this morbid scene.
I guess my pride will heal over but a ruptured organ may have been a lot worse for long term recovery In retrospect.
I didn't think that depression would wreak havoc on my digestive system and organs. But it did. I was running on adrenaline for so long I was grabbing food on the run.
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Anonymous40127, mote.of.soul, Tryingtoheal77