i remember taking wellbutrin and having a migraine for a month and ending up in the psych ward and being taken off it. i don't remember the dosage. I was on 120 mg? or was it 160 mg? **** if i know, of cymbalta at some point but it wasn't working so we changed to mother ****ing effexor. don't take that med. it's hard as hell to come off off. 4 months of reducing the dosage then crying for a few months it was horrible. I think if i remember right cymbalta is a newer version of effexor it's kinda fuzzy. i haven't done research on antidepressants in a long time cause I haven't been on them since 2010. the site crazymeds used to have good info on all the psych meds, not sure if it's still a good source for info, haven't had to look up meds in a while. also technically there's an FDA limit for meds and an actual limit for meds, like I'm on geodon and the FDA limit is 160 mg but I take 280 mg. You can actually go up to 330 mg. I used to take 320 mg. Idk if I'd go for a new dr, maybe just voice your concerns to her and see what she says. If she doesn't listen then go find a new dr. good luck.