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Default Aug 27, 2018 at 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Lrad123 View Post
Ok. This is is complicated. I both crave connection with my T and am embarrassed/ashamed about that. I’m very independent in my real life so I don’t like this longing, but I have it. I’d really like to get an email from him so that I feel connected but I don’t know what to say. I felt connected after I saw him on Wednesday, but now it has definitely faded. I’m not even sure what I would want his email to say, but there’s a risk it could sound flip and insincere and that might make me feel needy and ashamed and worse about asking him for something.

So, I’m wondering if anyone has any good, maybe more subtle, ways of asking for connection via email. I most definitely can’t say “I miss you and want to know you’re there” although I’m probably thinking something along those lines. I do have a couple of stressful events in my life this week and I could use that as an excuse to email. Or should I just suck it up and wait until next Wednesday? I definitely know how to do that as that’s probably the way I often handle my emotional needs. I’m just wondering if I should give into this urge, and if so, what’s the best way to do it without feeling over-the-top vulnerable?
why cant you say that? I say it to my therapist. she says she prefers when I say what I'm really thinking vs masking my feels with whatever...that i dont need to have my guard up with her
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