I'm annoyed it's impossible to ever get enough of what I do really need.
I'm annoyed that so many systems in my life need top-tier attention.
I'm annoyed that I need to make lists, and lists of lists, and then keep track of them.
I'm annoyed I can't seem to knit together two days free of any annoyances.
Shimmer! OK. OK. Breathe.
Now, what's on the agenda today?
hi revu2
I noticed your thread this morning. While I'm not at all a management consultant, I've worked enough in the business world to - sigh/ breathe - know the tough dynamics and/ or the excitement. Now retired and going to seed... with a building project that also is staggering around.
I read the sections of your post bolded above, and it was like a poem about my state in the past few days. It made me smile ruefully because I'm annoyed that all the hassles distract me from - getting in touch with what I need. Life is so friggin (bet that gets screened out) dysfunctional when also not superbly smooth internally.
I get distracted, I fight getting distracted and stressed and annoyed.... but still Life heaps it on and eventually I find that I am all of those three. Ugh.
The lists of lists are also... driving me nuts... not so much the actual multi-directional arrows pointing all over the place to do lists, but the extra things that crop up from my subconscious when I'm half asleep. They are practical lists because what I need doesn't seem to figure on anyone's lists including my own.
Am I making any sense?