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Default Oct 28, 2018 at 12:24 AM
My current meds? I'm not sure. The only one of my current medications that is notorious for weight gain is Seroquel XR. It's certainly not making me lose weight, but gain or have trouble losing? Again, not sure. I've mentioned before that 17 years ago before I ever took a bipolar medication I was only 4 lbs less than I am now. If I really set my mind to diet I could lose good weight. I'm just not in the right place mentally right now. I have been 20 lbs less than I am now only 7 years ago. At that time, I was on Lithium, my current meds (but Seroquel XR only maybe 250 mg or so) and Geodon. After going off Lithium and Geodon my Seroquel XR dose went up to 600 mg. I did put on weight, but again...Was it just Seroquel XR's fault? I doubt it. My weight has gradually gone up over a 6.5 year period. I barely exercise. I'm thinner than most women in my family at only 16 lbs overweight. There are some fat genes involved. I don't really feel that overweight. That's part of my problem.

Do you have a medication that you "like" or really appreciate?
Hugs from:
Wild Coyote
Thanks for this!
Wild Coyote