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Old Nov 02, 2018, 01:07 AM
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Nike007 Nike007 is offline
Grand Poohbah
Member Since: Jul 2015
Location: Canada
Posts: 1,561
For me, I believe a lot of my other mental health issues of depression and anxiety are caused by emotional abuse from my mother. But when I mentioned it to a pdoc, I was told it couldn't be PTSD because my life was never threatened. I was threatened by other means (ie money, love, abandonment), but not death.

I was diagnosed with PTSD earlier this year because of sexual assault. That luckily went away (most of the symptoms) so I don't qualify to have PTSD anymore.

So overall, no. I was never diagnosed with PTSD for a reason other than war or sexual assault.
Join my social group about mental health awareness!

DX: GAD; ASD; recurrent, treatment-resistant MDD; PTSD

RX: Prozac 20 mg; BuSpar 10 mg 2x a day; Ativan 0.5 mg PRN; Omega 3 Fish Oil; Trazodone, 50 mg (sleep); Melatonin 3-9 mg

Previous RX: Zoloft, 25-75mg; Lexapro 5-15mg; Luvox 25-50mg; Effexor XR 37.5-225mg

I have ASD so please be kind if I say something socially unacceptable. Thank you.
Hugs from:
beauflow, MickeyCheeky
Thanks for this!
alittlelikemusic, MickeyCheeky