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Default Dec 02, 2018 at 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Myrto View Post
In my experience and from the dozens of accounts I have read about it, no it’s not possible to work through something like that.
A lot of these « transference » cases are straight up addictions. The only way to stop an addiction is cutting off supply.
Yes I feel this in my bones. The only way this is ever going to stop is if I cut off all therapy. I have had this transference with every therapist because I have a massive hole that has never been filled. I never had a mother or father that took care of me and each therapist has become a surrogate. People that were raised with parents that filled their needs at least still have that parent to call on a daily basis and to talk to as needed (unless they passed away) but a therapist is a poor substitution because you can only see them or talk to them at session time and the ache becomes so bad between sessions but yet it is the closest thing to a loving parent you ever had. Even if it is a facade it is still something.

When a child’s emotional needs are not met and a child is repeatedly hurt and abused, this deeply and profoundly affects the child’s development. Wanting those unmet childhood needs in adulthood. Looking for safety, protection, being cherished and loved can often be normal unmet needs in childhood, and the survivor searches for these in other adults. This can be where survivors search for mother and father figures. Transference issues in counseling can occur and this is normal for childhood abuse survivors.
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