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Default Dec 05, 2018 at 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by PurpleMirrors View Post
I am not a therapy fan, but if it keeps someone alive, away from harmful behaviors, and together enough to keep functioning I don’t see a reason to stop. The painful side effects don’t outweigh the gains.

Yes, I agree with this as well. It can be viewed as a form of harm reduction in those cases. I am not generally a big fan of harm reduction approaches as they never truly resolve the problem and often prolong suffering on a lower level. But something like enduring the emotional pain of attachment and still leading a decent life vs. for example debilitating depression or phobias is not the worst compromise, IMO. Or therapy obsession vs. substance abuse. In my case, the "therapy addiction" and emaling the Ts pretty much replaced quite disruptive hooking up with all sorts of strangers on the internet or even excessive virtual communication with some people I know, and it was definitely less harmful and useless. Therapy also became disruptive for me in the end and then I stopped it, but my desires for all the useless communication never truly returned. Now only this PC forum, but I don't have cravings for this group discussions and it never becomes very compulsive, more a conscious distraction that I can control pretty easily and there are no side effects. I believe I will always be at least somewhat prone to excess and obsessions, but if it stays like it is now, I will happily live with it forever.
Thanks for this!
LonesomeTonight, MoxieDoxie