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Default Dec 06, 2018 at 10:57 AM
clicking my hands is one, I do it all the time

I also tend to itch even if I've no reason too
smell everything around me (I can tell a lot about how the situation is going to go just by smelling the air). I don't know why, but I can
hold a hard object to my face and gently move it up and down (nothing sharp or dangerous, just stuff around the room)

spray bottles of perfume- or other sprays just because I can (and I worry quite a bit about smell), not so much me, but the surroundings

say one word over, and over and over again while I try to figure out what I want to say

change the subject

tap my hand on my knees

fiddle with door handles

tap my toes on the floor

never knew I had so many.. I apparently doo- and I'm pretty sure their's others.

how sensitive are you (in terms of being offended)
Hugs from: