When I was 12, I had a specific moment where I emotionally changed in a split second. I quit feeling love the way I had previously. I don't get overtly angry. I tend to be more intellectual than emotional. I don't think its depression. I don't feel sad at all and never have outside of a few moments. I just don't feel emotions they way others do. I can relate to others emotions based on how I think they should feel.
I don't know where to post this in the forums... I am not bipolar, depressed, etc.. The way this started was weird... it happened when i was cutting the grass at 12 years old. nothing horrible was going on and I don't have tramatic experiences. Possibly a physical issue? I haven't talked about this over the years much because I tend to get thrown in the depressed category.
Thoughts? Am I just a freak of nature who has very shallow emotions?