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Default Dec 14, 2018 at 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by Inaccurate View Post
A few years ago I solved the issue of having intelligent conversations. I met a what appeared to be a copy of me in a pc game and got catfished VERY badly but its fine, lesson learned. It was a guy pretending to be a girl rofl but he showed me the way to play with very intelligent people.

I admit, I did this some year back in an online game as well. Had a female character that I put a lot of work into making her as hot as possible. Also had a reputation of being one of the best players on my server at the time. This got people into me because a lot of guys are turned on by a hot girl gamer with actual skill (I mean, lets face it, a lot of girls are trash at video games haha). It later came to the point where there was a guild with well over 200 people obsessed with me and wanted me, thinking that I was actually this pro hot female gamer. I acted the part too, learned to adapt my typing to sound more feminine.

Also made really good money off that game too because I took over the server's economy on end game crafting enhancements (with some help from people that found my character so attractive but also my own work) and became a gold seller. Had a system where I was making an extra $200-300 a week off selling MMO currency off maybe a few hours of extra work a week which was awesome while it lasted. Fun times haha

Also, IDK if you ever played Diablo 2 back in the day, but I also used to be one of those people that would dupe items and sell the duped items on Chinese goldseller forums. I was 9 or 10 at the time (I was a computer wiz at a young age and I'm a self taught hacker), and I would make a killing doing it. I learned how to open a stealthed PayPal account under fake info to accept payments and bypass age restrictions. Made really good money until mother caught on to what I was doing.

But yeah, on the occasion that I do manipulate, I am typically motivated by money and not what people think of me. I'm somebody that hates and dreads working a regular job (lets face it, jobs are torture and pretty much legalized slavery) and desires a way to support myself without having to work a normal job. I have developed more than one legit way to make a comfortable living, however, I'm not above manipulating people for money if there aren't any viable alternative means to get my needs met.

After all, I am somebody that firmly believes that society owes me thanks to my mother and the mental health system abusing me most of my life. I want the childhood that I never had as a child and I'll sink to any low to get my precious childhood back.
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