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Default Dec 14, 2018 at 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Inaccurate View Post
D2 was a major money maker but I played it before these chinese places came to the scene and ruined it all lol. I was doing constant magic runs to ebay items that Id find, just to give u an example of pricing when LoD just came out and these prices had lasted for months! Windforce hydra bow on ebay: up to 1500 USD ;P
When there was a working method then Id dupe and sell in chat channels and on ebay but these periods never lasted for longer than a few days.

Oh man, those were the days. Item duping and corpse popping other players and stealing their gear was where it was at (especially the cocky assholes who want to talk **** like they're better than me at video games). Also another old school game that I played that you could make a killing off was Ultima Online. I used to be a PvPer on that game and go to the PvP realm and gank other players and loot their bodies. I had an OP archer/Paladin hybrid character that nobody could take. I would snipe them from a distance. If they were able to get close to me and damage me, guess what mother****er I am a ****ing Paladin too I can heal LOL. Pissed a lot of people off on that game. OFC then WoW had to come out and kill that game.

I would kill to have gaming return to how it was in the late 90s lol. It's insane that people would pay over 1 grand for an item in a video game. I took full advantage of what I could as a 9 year old. Unfortunately, having 4-6 grand in a PayPal account as a 9 year old when your mother is barely making enough to pay rent raises a lot of questions.

Oh and my biggest regret in life was way later when I did all that goldselling I was telling you about earlier. I earned a lot of money off controlling markets across 2 MMO games. I traded a lot of money into Bitcoin back when Bitcoin was worth $100 per BTC. If I would have saved my Bitcoin instead of buying a gaming rig with it, I would be a millionaire now.
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