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Default Dec 24, 2018 at 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by LabRat27 View Post
I wrote a stupid poem a few weeks ago. It was optimistic and self empowering and recovery focused and everything you would absolutely love to see from me.
And I am actually almost considering sharing it with you
Do you have any idea how much that means that I would even consider that? How much vulnerability and trust that would require?
I would be sharing something genuine and sincere and personal with you and trusting you to not judge it or me. It wouldn't be a joke or self deprecating or something I could pretend didn't matter to me.

But then I think about how stupid and childish it is
How you'd have to be supportive and pretend to not think it was stupid or awful
How you'd say something nice but I'd just feel patronized
And then I just feel gross and ashamed

So, to answer your question, no, you're not an exception to the belief.
I hope you share your poem with your T.
Thanks for this!
LabRat27, SlumberKitty