Thread: Journaling
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NeedHaldol's Avatar
Member Since Jun 2017
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Posts: 185
Default Feb 03, 2019 at 11:33 PM
I always write 6 pages in a small moleskine every morning. It is the first thing I do besides coffee. I fire up my chillout playlist and crack my notebook open.

As I write, I have trello open to get any ideas of stuff I need/would like to do. This keeps me focused on what I need to accomplish. There are certain things I put off because they are too time consuming or things I don't like to do.

I have a morning routine I have developed for myself which sets me up for the day. It really helps, although I have a new program called rescue time which tracks how much you spend on certain tasks. It was a real eye opener for me as to how much time I was wasting. I've got the motivation to try and improve - I am involved in many creative activities (DJ/Produce, paint, draw, watercolor, websites [my own] and I am opening an etsy store next week.

My wife and I are embarking on a transformative new way of life - diet and budgeting. I have been going through our old statements and adding them by month to excel spreadsheets. I am going to average out all the expenses and build a budget from there. We have a lot of stuff to do to our house and we really need to cut out needless spending to accomplish those goals.

I know I am going off book here (pun intended). I just started keeping my journals last year. I cannot even read my own handwriting so if I jump off thought for a moment, that whole idea is gone. No one can see my thoughts - at least I am sure of the vehicle of my journals (not other things which involve paranoia).

I don't know why I keep them. They are stacking up on my shelf. I switched from 3 pages in a letter sized book to 6 pages in a smaller book. I thought I would not like the smaller ones (I had ordered one by accident), but I actually like those better.

I have been doing this for over 20 years now. I can't imagine how many books I've filled and what different types of books I have used.

I guess I am keeping them not to read but as a visual, yet unreadable, stack that lets me know how far I have come.
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