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Old Feb 08, 2019, 09:24 AM
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Velvet Lounger Velvet Lounger is offline
Grand Poohbah
Member Since: Jan 2019
Location: London
Posts: 1,741
Hey Succulents333, it's awful what you have been going through; lately because of tension and work pressure my flashbacks being similar seem to reappear. What I do find helpful though is putting on calming music and turning off the TV so that we can soak up the soothing music; breathing in each calming note until the flashbacks melt away. Sometimes if the weather is nicer, a slow walk outside is pleasant enough; again, deep breathing is calming and helpful, I've found.

Have you talked to a professional? A licenced reputable counsellor can be wonderful when they strike up a close patient relationship which leads to trust, which in turn helps us greatly. I'm seeing my counsellor more often for my PTSD and at last after many months, have seen progress making us both glad.

Given time, I hope that you will find solace in seeing a professional who can help you through these dark times. Do pm me when feeling able. I am only a whisper away.

Wishing you all the best. Have a peaceful weekend.

Velvet Lounger
Thanks for this!