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Default Feb 17, 2019 at 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by golden_eve View Post
I told HR that I am totally burnt out & that I want to leave the company because of a specific task I feel wastes our precious time and takes far too long.

...So, my question is: did I really do the wrong thing here? I mean, isn't HR existing in part for the purpose of supporting employees with any issue at work?

AND, who's to say that IF I had talked ONLY to my boss, that the end result would have even happened?
HR is mostly about keeping a company legal--IE creating due processes and advising those in charge how to handle issues in a way that complies with the law. Sometimes high level people in the company follow their advice, sometimes they don't. HR is support--they only matter if those in charge pay attention to their advice.

According to my H, many companies have bad IT processes in place, and for a variety of reasons (understanding the big picture/job security) are resistant to streamling the way things are done. He had to learn to let it lie.

I have always been leery of complaining to HR. Most will tell those in power what you said, even if they should keep it confidential. Lesson learned. Try to make the best of it and put it behind you.