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Default Feb 17, 2019 at 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Deejay14 View Post
Going to HR before talking to my boss is not a choice I would have made, but I may not have done anything at all. I think it was your anxiety getting the best of you, but it seems all this has led to discussion about doing things differently which is positive. You know we are only human and no human makes 100% right decisions all the time. Just try to take this in as a learning experience. I think part of this decision was because you have only been in a workplace for a short amount of time. Be kind to yourself. This,too, will pass and in the end, you may likely make your colleagues time better spent. I know it looks like the crap is just piling up, but this is life. You do have the skills to see this all through. Take a big breath!! You CAN get through the muck life is throwing at you. Make sure you are taking time for self care.
Thank you so much, Deejay. That's helpful. Though it wasn't my anxiety that got the best of me, it was the high burnout factor that drove me to talk to HR the most.

I will try to focus on the positive: that I am now meeting with my boss to improve things, and yes, it could improve things for my whole team if we can come up a good solution.

Self-care is most important! My anxiety over this is getting the best of me now -- just took my anti-anxiety pill. It helps!

Yes, I must remember that this too shall pass..... I am also a perfectionist who had overly critical parents. When I make a mistake that is big like this one and really ticks someone off, I get really upset with myself and down on myself for not having done the so-called "right" thing. I beat myself up over it.
Hugs from: