Thread: Roll Call 143
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Default Feb 19, 2019 at 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Desoxyn View Post
Sexuality and gender confuses me deeply lol. I don't even know. I become convinced I'm one sexuality and then it changes due to my situational logic. I’m a Grey-Hetero-Aromantic Grey-Bi-Asexual androgynous gender fluid.. idek..

My best explanation is the spectrum of a bunch of different rainbow flags.
Maybe you could ask your therapist or psychologist about some books that might help you understand your inner self better. I ask my psychologist for books every time im there and every time he's given me a new book to read to discuss next time. It's really efficient too, because, by the time I see him again I then get to have an exchange about what I learned in the books recommended at the prior appointment. I can't imagine having these issues because I'm CIS He/him brought up in a patriarchy. I don't know much about sex and gender issues myself.
Thanks for this!