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Default Feb 22, 2019 at 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by ennie View Post
My friend is a housewife/ stay-at-home-mom, and she gets judged by some ladies for not working. But why does she have to justify her lifestyle? It's not like she is refusing to work and asking others for help. Her husband makes enough money so she is not bothering anyone for anything.
Many women unfortunately tend to be very judgmental of other women for any reason you can imagine...women who don't work...women who don't procreate...women who don't marry...women who marry early...women who marry late...working mothers...stay-at-home mothers...women who wear make-up...women who don't wear make-up...women who are thin...women who are not thin....women who partner with women...women who exercise while pregnant...women who do not exercise while pregnant....women who breast-feed their baby...women who use formula to nourish their babies...women who opt for natural childbirth...women who do not or cannot opt for natural childbirth....women who choose to have an abortion...girls who choose to have an abortion...women forced to have an abortion....girls forced to have an abortion....women living with a disability....women living without a disability....women who march to the beat of a different drum...women who conform....women of color....immigrant women...women of faith...atheist women.

I am sorry your friend is being judged. Perhaps she can be friends with some rational men-folk?
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