Great topic!
I am very creative so am able to be the chief photographer at family events and provide edited copies of the images as gifts. My family really appreciate this. I can also sing and play guitar and occasionally do impromptu performances for friends. They say they really enjoy it. I love being able to use my gifts to bring happiness to others. The depth of emotion and empathy I feel (sometimes fuelled by Bipolar episodes) help me to do this well. It is amazing the difference in performance or editing that occurs when in different episodes. Man I kill those sad, raging songs when mixed. lol
I am also witty and can make people laugh - and think. This generally occurs when stable or hypomanic. Depression/Mixed sucks my joy away.
Finally, my empathy (I am just one of the many empathetic people) and experience allows me to comfort people. Well sometimes I suck at it, but I do try.
Thanks again. Focusing on the positive things I can offer to others, (rather than tearing them apart through my illness), has really lifted my mood. I hope I was on topic and not confused as to what you were asking.
Bipolar 1 with psychotic features
"Phew! For a minute there I lost myself."
'Karma Police' by Radiohead