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Default Mar 09, 2019 at 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by tallen01 View Post
I agree I really wish she wouldn’t always involve her family. Especially since I have no family so it’s unfair probably a bad word choice there but I couldn’t think of how to word it. She has an entire supportive family that always backs her and I have a 76 year old grandma who I love to death but she is out of touch with reality. Not that I’d expect my grandma to back me for my cheating I just don’t like feeling ganged up on by her family.
Of course you don't like feeling ganged up on. Nobody would! Whether you come from a large family or not, it is disrespectful for your wife to share your private matters with others. When your wife discovered you were chatting with other women, she should have talked with you privately in your home.

You are being too hard on yourself, friend. Please try not to position yourself in such a way that you are the BAD GUY and she is THE SAINT. Those are not accurate descriptors for either of you. You're a couple of humans making some mistakes and trying to live your lives and sometimes misunderstanding each other. Just like the rest of us!!! Nobody deserves to be nailed to a cross or hung out to dry. Balance is important here. You owned your actions. You offered to communicate. Now she needs to reciprocate when she's had time to cool off.

Breathe slowly and deeply. This just happened yesterday so the shock and confusion are at their highest levels right now. Try to take it one moment at a time and try not to predict the future. I also discourage you from offering things like moving out...I don't think that's warranted at this point but that's just my opinion. You must do what feels right to you. Note all the support you received here on PC from lots of different people. You are NOT a bad person. You are a person with strengths and challenges. You aren't "less than" or undeserving of your wife. Trust me as a neutral 3rd party, she's got some work to do here too.

Last edited by Anonymous44076; Mar 09, 2019 at 11:18 PM..
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Thanks for this!