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Default Mar 13, 2019 at 01:07 PM
I woke up with a headache today. I am sleeping better however, I think. I woke up late today (about 11:30am) so I've not been up too long. No plans for today-- just like any other day. I've been trying to work on myself, because if I don't start there I'm gonna run into more and more problems. The issue now is I run into roadblocks because some places inside I just don't wanna go. I'm coming around though. I better get this done while I'm still feeling good-- lord knows I can't when I am depressed.

I also want to say I really enjoy this forum. I check it a lot during the day. I just feel incorporated into a community when I don't even leave my own home. It's like a can contribute to something, somewhere -- ya know? So thanks.
Hugs from:
Anonymous41462, Anonymous46341, beauflow, bizi, Innerzone, Nammu, Sunflower123, TheSeaCat, Unrigged64072835
Thanks for this!
bizi, Nammu, Sunflower123, TheSeaCat