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Default Mar 14, 2019 at 11:17 PM
Children needs love. Not to be her emotionaly cold mother's mother and her instable father father's and mini-adult/best friend all the time. Children don't need to be criticised, emotionaly blackmaid all the time or have no privacy what só ever. Children don't need to be hit everyday or have their favourite toys tossed away just because. Children don't need to be hitted because their crying or talking to much, because they don't want to eat everything or they talking to long to do it.
My father needed a friend, I wasnt suppose to be is friend to discuss adult stuff with, I just needed to be a children. My mother was devoid of love during childhood she had the right to give us love. She hadnt the right to complain on e very her issues around us and at the same time wanted us to be perfect.
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Anonymous44144, Fuzzybear, little turtle, Thirty shades
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little turtle