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Default Mar 20, 2019 at 02:02 PM

Hello Aimlesshiker. I'm sorry you're having a tough time

Question: is your landlord giving you notice before entering the home? That's a legal requirement. it's not always specified in hours in the law, often it will say "reasonable notice" but generally landlords will give you notice at least the day before. Did she do that? She shouldn't just be in and out showing up whenever she feels like it.

Do you have a tenant advocacy group in your area? I'm not sure if there's a national one? They can be really helpful to give you pointers about your rights and responsibilities as well the the rights/responsibilities of the landlord.

I have never heard of such an overbearing landlord to be honest. And I've had quite a few. They tend to be hands-off.

Any chance you could move any time soon? To a more peaceful arrangement? The current situation sounds very intrusive.

As for your self-esteem, could you try meditating on it? That helps me. Lots of options out there....


Peace to you!
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