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Default Mar 29, 2019 at 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by RubySapphire View Post
You're all so right, thank you.. I went to my psych today to help break away. I learnt she didn't unblock me, she left me blocked because of the unfriending her from facebook thing.
I blocked her on everything now, to make sure she'll never contact me again.
Thank you all for giving me the courage, I feel like I can finally breathe after 3 years.

Only problem is that I know she's going to talk bad about me to our mutual friends and paint me as a terrible person - whereas I don't wish to do that, so I'm worried I'm going to lose them.
It's great that you blocked her from your social media. Don't give in to any cravings for communication with her.

Also, the only person you have control over, is yourself. If your mutual friends choose sides -- as people do and will in these situations -- let them. This will show you who is on your side, and who isn't. Don't fret the loss of any mutual friends b/c if they abandon you because you stood up to her, they were never your real friend to begin with. You don't want to hang on to people in your life, who only are interested in a one-sided friendship with you (they give you nothing in response to what you give to them).

There are a gazillion people waiting out there who are worthy of your friendship. This is a transitional time for you now. Transitions are always bumpy because of the changes that occur. But, if you can ride out the bumps, you may be pleasantly surprised when you get to the other side of this toxic friendship experience, to find out that you really can survive without this toxic friend and her cronies, and make new friends who respect you (b/c she did not).
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