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Default Mar 30, 2019 at 06:27 AM
yesterday after dinner I took a walk to the shopp

it was nice in the cool air, and rather quiet too

baught some lucasade

came home and watched young sheldon which was actually quite funny, for once in my life I enjoyed watching it (I don't often enjoy it, his voice annoys me) but the whole saga with the sandwich made me smile

despite it being a quiet night without flashbacks I didn't get rest. back was far too painfull to lie down.

today I am feeling horrible. it's the start of brittish summertime (well it's not, but it's what they say when the clocks go forward)

I hate the longer hours of light, I hate the warmer weather, I hate the ****ing bugs because I'm alergic, from now until november life's basically a ****ing screw up