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Chat Apr 03, 2019 at 09:21 AM
Some comments about the plan that I have just made:

The meaning is to make a daily frame that will keep me healthy. It's a way to try to be true to my values told in my signature: “Freedom and Responsibility - Relaxation and Nutrition!"

The structure of the day gives me exactly what I need, the freedom to be responsible for my health. Relaxation will be done in my "Autogenic training time" while at other times try to plan my meals as healthy as possible.

This is in line with some of the avice given to depressed people to beat depression and to stay out of it.
10 No-Cost Strategies to Fight Depression

Maintain a Daily Routine - 10 No-Cost Strategies to Fight Depression - Pictures - CBS News

PS. There are actually 11 advices at the link + a 12th to help people date while depressed.
Hugs from:
stahrgeyzer, Sunflower123
Thanks for this!