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Default Apr 11, 2019 at 09:12 PM
Healthy boundaries are when you value your own opinion, won't compromise your values for others, share personal information in an appropriate way (don't under or over share), know what your personal wants and needs are, and you're able to communicate those openly and clearly, accept when someone rejects you (you feel hurt, but you understand and accept it).

Porous boundaries are when you under or over share information, can't say "no" to anyone, are over-involved with everyone else's problems trying to fix them, your self-image is dependent on what others say to you, you put up with abuse and disrespect and make excuses for it, and you fear rejection if you don't comply with what other people expect from you or tell you do to.

Rigid boundaries
are when you refuse to share any information about yourself with anyone, when you avoid having close friendships or close romantic relationships, only have a few close relationships, very protective of your private life and don't like others knowing anything personal about you, come across detached and unemotional, keeps a distance emotionally to avoid being rejected.

I think everyone is a mix of the above types of 3 boundaries. I just wanted to share that because I feel like it's relevant to this thread's conversation.

Signs Your Boundaries Are Too Loose or Too Rigid
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Thanks for this!
Have Hope, luvyrself