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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 07:09 PM
So if an alter starts using the entire body, vocal cords, arms, legs, vision, hearing, then that's taking over the body. When an alter takes control of my body I suddenly pop inside to some blackness void. It's probably possible for the host and alter to have simultaneous control of the body but I'm not sure how common that is.

Here are a few of the reasons why I think everyone has alters.

1. I've done a lot of research in reverse speech. Reverse speech is messages heard when you record someone and play it in reverse. I've done reverse speech on dozens of people to only confirm what other researchers are saying, that there's almost a constant dialog occurring between people when they speak. That realization was shocking to me. I don't think all alters communicate that way. In fact reverse speech may merely be some kind of mental residue of the actual conversation. Anyhow, the last person I studied was a professor, a friend I used to have. He was interested, so I asked him some questions while recording, with his permission of course. I got my headphones (very important), reversed his speech, and listened to any messages. I told him what they said, and he suddenly got upset and said to stop recording him! He said that what I told him was very personal information. So to be clear, the professor had no mental disorders. He was definitely not schizophrenic and did not have DID. I remember a long time ago I did some reverse speech on a song that a young lady had on YouTube. When she learned of the reverse messages she deleted her video. Of course those are two cases that stand out. Most of the time there aren't shocking informative reverse messages. Now I know people who don't want to believe in this will say that not everyone can hear to messages, and that's true of course with any ability, but that doesn't mean it's not real. Some people are good at hearing the words right away, but it's definitely a learned skill. Also, I don't think all alters use this form of communication with other people in the outer world here. I'm sure that in a 100 years with psychologist fully understand all of this they will have detailed classifications of the different types of alters. So I used to have conversations with these type of alters. I would talk to them while recording myself and then play back the messages. Wow that brings back old memories. Those alters did not like talking to me that much. They would answer some questions, but after 5 to 15 minutes they would tell me they're not going to respond, and sure enough after that point during that session I heard no reverse messages. A few times they got very angry with me, call me 4 letter words. I still don't know why most of them just don't like talking or interacting with hosts our any one in our external world here. By the way, my reverse speech research was decades ago. Back then I really didn't hear "voices." These days I've learned how to hear alters mentally. They usually sound like a thought blast that is very distinguishable from my own thoughts. In fact sometimes alter voices are so vivid that they sound just as if a real physical person was talking to me, but that's very uncommon.

2. Working on my AI project forced me to spend years analyzing and researching the human mind & brain. Just the brains vastness and how much is done in-parallel alone means the conscious mind has no clue what's happening inside. It's like a Universe inside the subconscious/unconscious mind, but the conscious mind in most people is unaware of it. A small percentage of people are more in touch with an extremely small percentage of the subconscious mind. Given the human mind's flexibility and vastness there's no reason why everyone's brain can't create alters.

3. I've spent years learning how to create alters in addition to ending alters, although it's possible that the alters merely stopped talking to me rather than fading away. I don't think there's anything different about the makeup of my brain. It has neural networks and such just like everyone's brain.

Mark my words. Within 20 years from now mainstream psychology will have a good grasp of this. We're just starting to understand the power of the brain.
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