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Default Apr 15, 2019 at 11:00 AM
Hello DazedandConfused,

what an interesting thread! I read that most people are actually ambiverts: living with a combination of traits associated with introversion and extroversion. The previous research seems to have been somewhat misunderstood or skewed by society...full blown introversion or extroversion would fall on either end of the continuum with most people falling in the middle as ambiverts.

As far as social bias goes, I think it depends on the culture you live in. There is certainly a misunderstanding of introversion or even shyness (I realize those are not the same thing) in the U.S. But not all cultures perceive it that way. In some cultures, being reserved or "shy" is considered dignified, respectful, and desirable.

Did I detect a bit of bias against extroverts on the thread or was it just my imagination? We aren't saying "extrovert" is synonymous with "loudmouth" are we?

I say a person's a person. I've had friends who are mostly ambiverts but a couple of introverts and extroverts too. They all bring something different to the table. I'm not shy and I'm a parties I am known as the person who will bolster the shy folks...helping them to feel more comfortable. If I see someone standing alone, I'll head over and start a chat or include them in a group conversation. If that's what they want of course, reading non-verbal cues is really valuable. My partner says its one of the reasons he fell in love with me...that I make people feel safe.

I really enjoy this thread! I love discussions like this. Thank you!
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