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Default Apr 16, 2019 at 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Innerzone View Post
SO much this. If I sit down after work, it's pretty much over. Last night I was good though. Came home and made an egg scramble (will try it with tofu later) with sundried tomatoes, marinated artichoke hearts and pesto. It's supposed to have toasted slivered almonds too, but I didn't have any. I don't know if it's super healthy, but I figure it's not too bad, it's easy and delicious. I got the idea from a place I've eaten out at.

Self control... not so much. I will not diet, but I AM trying to not have a gobble-fest at night. I think that's what got me in trouble. I've gained like 45 lbs in the past couple of years. Meds did contribute, but I think bad late night eating was the main culprit. Strangely enough, I don't aim to lose much of it (BDD issue) though a little would be nice. I never had a tummy before, and I'm not overly happy about that.

Wow, you all with the sugar. Don't think I could eliminate it, but trying to cut back would be a good idea. Avoiding high fructose corn syrup is a good idea. Did you know that the increased use of it by manufacturers coincides exactly with the obesity epidemic? Food for thought. I try to avoid the worst offenders.
That scramble sounds awesome and healthy.

I can eliminate the sugar most days, but I'm not giving up sweets altogether. I just want to stop making sweets a habit after meals and more of a once in a while treat.

High fructose corn syrup, food dyes, food additives, extra sugar in almost everything, genetically modified foods soaked in chemicals that cause cancer like Roundup. The food industry is a mess. People were so much healthier before quick and easy processed food became the norm. It is so irresponsible and it especially infuriates me how much of these foods are marketed to kids. Food without these ingredients is so much more expensive.

Food dye really frustrates me. Yellow number 5 makes my kids hyper and mean. It is illegal in Europe and you can find it in tons of food here in the states. There are equally appealing natural dye sources, but companies won't switch because there are no laws against it. Meanwhile ADD and ADHD rates skyrocket...

Rant over.
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Anonymous41462, Innerzone, MickeyCheeky
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