Originally Posted by Open Eyes
People play games because when they get a rise out of others it gives them a sense of power. You have been played so much that it's going to take time for you to gradually learn how to stop playing their game.
When I read that in the link I presented, I immediately thought of you. And especially when it said "you can't win with narcissists". You have talked about that.
I’m not sure why this is with some people, to play such unnecessary games of control. It serves them no good to do it. They do not get what they want anyway. It just makes bad feelings.
I love literally playing games though. My family likes to play certain board games, games that require intelligence. It was always fun and nobody was mean to anyone about winning or losing or being smart or not so smart. But they are fiercely competitive.
On second thought, my mom and aunt are very haughty and put down others for being not so smart. They never did it to me when I was playing the games with them, even when I was just a child playing games like Scrabble with them. However, I was very smart and sometimes legitimately held my own with them. But, yes, I was made fun of once by my aunt when I made what she thought was a dumb comment. I was kidding and she took it that I was uninformed and teased me like I was stupid. Whatever, it didn’t even bother me. She’s really stuck up.