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Default May 01, 2019 at 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by spikes View Post
thanks atisketatasket!

Having a good day so far but also feel like I'm picking up on radio signals with my brain, maybe a chip of sorts? It's not bothering me too much right now but I'm worried if I go to certain places it's gonna get worse
When I get like that, I put on music or watch something on YouTube to block out the sounds. But if the radio signals start telling you to do bad things, then you should tell someone (e.g., family member, pdoc, etc.) so that you're not bottling it in. Sometimes therapists are great people to talk to (even if it's in the context of group therapy) because they'll help you with pretty much anything. Would that help with your anxiety related to the signals getting worse?
Hugs from:
BeyondtheRainbow, pirilin, Sunflower123, TheSeaCat