I'm REALLY HAPPY that you're feeling a little better, Só leigheas, and that someone was able to help you a little bit!
Of course we'll ALWAYS be here for you as well! I PROMISE YOU THAT!
Just be kind to yourself, ok, my friend?
YOU DESERVE IT! Just try to handle all of this like you've been doing so far! You're doing GREAT because you're trying YOUR BEST and that's all we humans can do, right?
Please don't be so hard on yourself!
We're all here for you, ok, my friend? Don't you EVER forget that! We'll ALWAYS be here for you! I PROMISE YOU THAT! You're a STRONG, WONDERFUL PERSON and you DESERVE to get better because you MATTER and you're a WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING! PLEASE REMEMBER ALL FO THAT BECAUSE IT IS TRUE!!!!! I'm so sorry you have to deal with ALL OF THIS, Só leigheas, my altruistic, BRAVE, caring, dear, selfless, strong, supportive, sweet, wise and WONDERFUL friend!!!!!