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Default May 09, 2019 at 07:15 AM
All over the place. The more places the better. The ".gov" articles are not elementary reads, but interesting ones.

I, too, took formal psychology classes online (for credit) through a local college. That was a few years ago. I took the Intro to Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, and Developmental Psychology courses. One per semester. I also audited Cognitive Psychology at a local university. They were all interesting courses.

Good books are great sources of info. Not just memoirs, but actual books specializing in the disorder. For those inclined, a close read through of the DSM-5 is also recommended. Some blogs specializing in bipolar disorder are also helpful. Bp Magazine is a good info source and its associated website at | Hope & Harmony for People with Bipolar. I don't have bipolar 2, but those that do may find Bipolar 2: Mood Swings but Not Manic - especially interesting, along with Dr. Phelps' books. I found some info there relevant even for bipolar 1 experiences.

Honestly, Wikipedia's entries for mania and bipolar disorder contain a lot of info not found in the usual entries.
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