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Default May 13, 2019 at 05:41 AM
Don't reply. IF you reply, you're giving her exactly what she wants. Attention. Don't give it to her. If you continue to hold your no contact rule, she will eventually stop. I would actually block her on FB to give her the extra hint, but that's just me. It's a constant painful reminder and. it gives her access to you, which you don't want at all. She is crossing boundaries by emailing you and liking your FB posts. But I know you don't want to deal with the fallout of blocking her, which I can understand. But it would help YOU to not feel invaded if you blocked her.

Also, try to shift your focus off of her and back onto YOU... your healing, your recovery, your love of life, all that makes you happy and fulfilled. If you have a hobby or interest, perhaps throw yourself into it. Or journal. I always find journaling to be very healing. ((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))
Hugs from:
DechanDawa, MickeyCheeky
Thanks for this!
DechanDawa, MickeyCheeky