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Default May 16, 2019 at 11:39 AM
As to my narcissist's message "What happened?" That's his way of trying to re-hook me into supplying him with my attention online again, which I won't do anymore. Even his ex-girlfriend cut him off the same way, blocking him on her Facebook. He's still friends with her other family members which is alarming b/c he can reach her through them. I'm just bringing up this example of a true narcissist to show you what they are capable of, when given access to you in any way they can get it. He thought by asking me "What happened?" he could re-engage me. He knows what happened: I blocked him b/c of his narcissistic behavior. I caught on to the red flags he showed me, and I cut and ran. If I don't keep him blocked, he'll continue to try to manipulate me emotionally and I won't allow that to happen.

If you truly don't want this friend to emotionally manipulate you anymore, then you need to cut off access to her, instead of keeping her around to see how she'll respond. That's like poking a hornet's nest -- eventually you'll get stung by doing that. Best to just cut and run and grieve the loss of this toxic friendship. You'll never get an explanation from her as to why she chooses to treat you so badly. Narcissists starve their victims just enough to keep them attached, with false hope and false expectations that the narcissist will meet their emotional needs. And that is the great lie of being friends or in a relationship with a narcissist. They will NEVER give you what you want. Ever.