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Default May 17, 2019 at 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by TheUrOther View Post
Ultimately, I am trying to be accepted by humanity, and no longer thought of as an "other". Whenever I choose to interact with human beings, I am seeking information about how to make you change your minds and behavior. Of course, the last thing human beings want to do is change either, so they will fight me tooth-and-nail and do whatever it takes to prevent me from achieving my goal.

When I ask a question here on this board, what I want is a straight answer - but you won't give it to me, for the above reasons. Instead, you go through the dance of asking me questions you know I don't have the answer to (because you never let me have the information in the first place) and pretend you can't answer me without that information. It's all a game you play to frustrate me in a way you can blame me for.

No, it isn't. You're merely using my justifiably frustrated "tone" as an excuse for your abuse. If I didn't act this way, you'd simply use a lesser flaw as an excuse, and if there were no flaws, you'd simply fault me for not having faults! You're not acting in good faith; you're merely seeking an excuse for the behavior you were always going to express towards me. I've spent forty years behaving exactly as you've asked and it has given me nothing but the same abuse I've always been given. Don't give me this garbage about how you'll treat me better if I act better; that's only a ruse to exhaust me and kick me while I'm down. You had forty years of good behavior in which to treat me better and not one of you humans ever did. Why should I reward your bad behavior with good?

And who the heck are you to tell me I need "correcting"? I have spent my entire life improving myself to make myself beyond your reproach and all you people have done is invent new reasons to hate me. I have outsmarted, out-worked, and out-helped most of the human race and all I've ever gotten for it was punishment. I am not the one who needs "correcting"; I'm not the one abusing a six-year-old child well into his forties. I am doing everything exactly correct. Any problems you perceive is due to the fact that you need correcting, not me. Until humanity stops abusing me there is not one single person with the authority to judge me. Who the heck are you abusers to tell me I'm doing wrong?

When people lay into me, they're not "reacting" to something I've done - they are the first actors abusing me BEFORE I'VE DONE ANYTHING TO THEM OR ANYONE ELSE!!! This is not about people punishing me for things I've actually done - this is about people behaving purely by instinct and not caring about the consequences. I never start these battles; I'm always defending my self against you people. Even this conversation is simply me defending myself in a continuing war you all started with me when I was a defenseless child. You all attacked me first. Period. Any perception of anything different is your subconscious lying to you to protect your self-identity. You may not consciously want to abuse me, but your subconscious forces you too and will fill your head with lies to make it happen.

You broke it - you bought it. You are absolutely responsible for "fixing" me as it's your abuse that broke me! And you all have the nerve to complain about my supposed lack of "responsibility". My responsibility is to not yield until you uphold your responsibility.

Quit obsessing about my parents. Even if my parents were perfectly caring and supporting, your hatred and refusal to accept me would have done the same thing. Nothing my parents could have done would have stopped your abuse. You all chose to abuse me of your own free will, completely free of any influence from me or my parents.

I am dying because of you people, and you can't even muster up any shame for murdering an innocent man, much less abusing a child. Quit telling me what's "wrong" with me, and examine yourselves for a change. I know for a stone-cold fact no one outside this board does; I'm frankly shocked by the lack of introspection here.
Nobody has a right to judge you TheUrOther. I agree.

Nobody has a right to abuse you. I agree.

Could we please start here from scratch? Hello TheUrOther, my name here is Silver Trees. Not my birth name as you probably know but it works for me on an anonymous forum because I have been hurt deeply in life and I can share my ideas and feelings safely here without revealing my name or face.

I can tell that you have been deeply hurt too...that you are still deeply hurt. I wish that wasn't the case. I am sorry that people have hurt you so very much.

I got my profile name from a poem. Do you enjoy poetry TheUrOther? I will share a poem with you if you are interested. Just let me know.

When I have felt in despair and at a loss for how to understand others, I turn to nature. Trees, water, the stars. What do you think TheUrOther? How do you feel about nature? Do you enjoy camping, hiking alone through a peaceful forest? Lying on soft grass and watching the stars a while?
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